How to install Mac theme on Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot)

How to install Mac theme (Transformation pack) on Ubuntu 11.10

Mac Ubuntu 11.10 for ubuntu

Mac is one of the beautiful OS in the world .Desktop,Wallpaper's,Icon Everything is amazing.This post will help to install Mac theme in your Ubuntu versions .

If you want install theme only,use this link

and also do next steps to get full Macubuntu effect

-Everything look like mac

Features Macbuntu :

* Attention: Script significantly changes the desktop.
* Attention: Not compatible with Ubuntu Netbook Edition
* Attention: The Global Menu does not current work correctly for all applications. This is a known issue.
* Paw-OSX and Paw-Ubuntu Plymouth themes
* Macbuntu sound theme
* Macbuntu GTK theme based on GTK Leopard
* Macbuntu-Icons based on Mac4Lin and Faenza Icons
* Macbuntu-Cursors based on Shere Khan X
* Mac OS X backgrounds and fonts
* Compiz Extras, Global Menu, Docky, Ubuntu-Tweak
* Preconf for login screen, metacity, compiz, window theme, backgrounds, cursors, icons, docky and top panel

1.Download theme File (Size 40 MB,tar.gz format)

2.Applications-->Accessories-->Terminal (For Ubuntu 10.10)

Click on Ubuntu icon(From Left side bar,Click on 4 vertical bars-right to music button)-->Filter -->Accessories -->Terminal (For Ubuntu 11.04 and 11.10)

3.Open Terminal

/*Ensure that "Macbuntu-10.10.tar.gz" file in your Downloads folder*/


cd ~/Downloads
tar zxvf Macbuntu-10.10.tar.gz
cd Macbuntu-10.10

/*Else just Extract Macbuntu10.10 tar.gz .Open Macbuntu 10.10 ,Find*/

Edit file


Edit File

echo “”
echo “Checking Ubuntu version…”
s=`cat /etc/issue | grep -i “$UBUNTU”`
if [ ! -n "$s" ]; then
echo “Failed. System not supported, script will end here”
echo “To ignore their compatibility with current OS try ./ force”
echo “Exiting…”
exit 1;
echo “Passed”

Change above code to

echo “Passed”

Save this file ,then run your file



Enjoy with your Ubuntu 11.10 with Macbuntu 11.10

Mac OS X Transformation Pack Macbuntu theme - Compiz Desktop and Rotate Cube

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