What is a Computer

In simple words, a computer is an electronic device which processes information based upon the instructions provided, and generates the desired output. 

Like any other system, a computer system also requires an input which is processed to get the desired output. In the case of computer, two kinds of inputs are required. 

One, the basic or raw data, and two, a set of instructions containing the methodology to process this data. This set of instruction is called program or software in computer speak.

Some people erroneously believe that computers can only work on arithmetic operation, or a good background in mathematic is a per-requisite for learning computer. 

Nothing could be further from truth. A lthough it is correct that the computer internally processes all information’s mathematically, the user can work on any kind of data-test, numeric, alpha-numeric, images, pictures, sound, video clippings, etc. 

in fact, most of the computer applications nowadays are non-numeric. Neither is mathematical background essential for learning and working on computers. 

After all, we drive vehicles very well, without knowing anything about suspension, combustion, differential,etc.

What’s so special about computers

The five major characteristics of computers which have made them so powerful are
1 speed
4storage capacity
1 Speed
Computers works at an incredible speed. This can be gauged from the fact that the speed of the computers is measured in terms of milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds or picoseconds, i.e. one thousands, one millionth, one billionth, and one trillionth of a seconds, respectively. 

Chances are there that the computer you are presently working on would, also called MIPS in computer jargon

2 Accuracy
In addition to being fact, computers are also accurate. They either give the correct answer or do no answer at all. Hoverers, it must be remembered that the computer is capable of doing only what it is instructed to do. 

If faulty instructions are provided for processing the data, obviously faulty answers will be given. This is also called GIGO, i.e. Garbage IN garbage out. Hence, the only possibility of an error occurring is due to inaccurate instructions or faulty data.

3 Consistency
Unlike human beings, computers being machines are highly consistent they never get bored too! I am yet to meet a computer complaining of a monotonous job! Hence, they are ideal machines for carrying out repetitive and voluminous work.

4 Storage capacity
Today’s computers can store huge amounts of data. Once recorded, a piece of information can be retrieved almost instantaneously. To give you an idea of storage capacity, a single CD ROM can contain the entire Encyclopedia Britannica, and more!

5 Flexibility
A computer is a versatile machine and its use is limited only by your imagination. In today’s fast developing technology-would be very difficult, in some cases inconceivable, to find an area where computers are not being used to a great advantage. 

However, computers have one major limitation, computers are not originally creative, and they world never be They would never be able to write An old man and the sea, they would never be able to paint a monalisa (although they can faultlessly duplicate it), and they would never be able to compose beethoven’s sonata. 

And thank god for it!