RIM Free Apps - Blackberry Free Apps World

RIM Provides Free Apps
Research in Motion (RIM) offered the choice of premium applications for free in an effort to pacify angry customers after the recent service interruption. However, investors do not seem captivated by the free BlackBerry maker sent shares down more than six per cent.

RIM said that the total value of the apps to offer a combined value of U.S. $ 100 million and made available to customers in the coming weeks to BlackBerry App World and continue to be available until 31 December.

The company said that customers in one month the company also offers free technical support.
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"Now customers will be offered a contract extension of one month of free technical support available to them, and customers do not currently have a technical support contract will be offered a one-month trial BlackBerry RIM technical support services - enhanced support, at no cost," he said in a statement RIM .

Not quite the crowd pleaser
The move wasn’t entirely successful with RIM shares slumping 6.6 per cent on the NASDAQ and some analysts saying that the move should have come a lot earlier.

IDC analyst Francisco Jeronimo told Reuters that despite being late the offer was a clever move because it would help RIM customers to discover the app service and the company had probably struck a deal with app developers to keep costs down.

"For RIM, this is an interesting way to attract users to the App World and incentivise them to search and download apps," Mr Jeronimo told Reuters.

The free apps on offer include games such as Bejeweled, and premium versions of a translation service and the music discovery tool Shazam.
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There is a good chance that RIM customers won’t be appeased solely by what’s on offer and with reports that businesses, even in countries unaffected by the outage,  are starting to have second thoughts about the Blackberry RIM may be in for some pain. 

RIM has declined to estimate how much the offer would cost but the financial impact could be quite hefty with compensation potentially reaching into the hundreds of millions of dollars.

According to Reuters, BMO Capital Markets expects RIM’s earnings per share for the quarter could be knocked back between three to five cents in the company had to compensate all carriers and customers for the service disruption

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