History of Computer

In order understand today's computers, it might be worthwhile to take a quick look at the evolution of computer's.

Historians of calculation with the abacus and trace its origin to around 5000B.C It was used for performing simple calculations. 

In the seventeenth century, John Napire, a Scottish mathematician, did considerable work on the aids for calculation. The most notable one was the invention of logarithms in 1614.

In 1620, just six years after the invention of lograithms, William oughred, an English mathematician, invented the slide rule. This is a calculating device based on the principles of logarithms. 

A slide rule of tow graduated scales, one of which slides over the other. The scales are devised in such a manner that suitable aligment of one scale against the other makes it possible to computer products, additions, e.t.c. just by inspection.

In 1642, Blaise pascal, a French mathematician, invented the machanical calculating machine. In this machine, numbers were entered by dialing a series of numbered wheels. 

Another series of toothed wheels transfrred the movements to a dial, which showed the results. Gottfried von Leibintz a German mathematician, in 1671 invented a calculating machine which was able to perfrom multiplications. 

Between 1802 and 1804, Joseph Marie jacquard, a French textile manufacturer, invented a mechanical system for use in the textile industry. This machine was used to automatically control weaving looms to facilitate the production to woven cloth with complex patterns.