Rhythmbox or Banshee in Ubuntu 12.04?

During the Ubuntu Developer Summit for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) the developers discussed the possibility of returning the Rhythmbox music player as the default audio management app for Ubuntu.

Jason Warner from Canonical what to know user's opinion in this matter, so write here in a comment if you want Rhythmbox to replace Banshee in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

Image comment: Rhythmbox music player in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

I have to admit that Rhythmbox is my favorite music player in Ubuntu and I've replaced Banshee with it in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot).

Banshee has a lot of problems if you ask me. From the fact that it depends on Mono, and continuing with the time it takes to start and its overall stability issues.

Rhythmbox is light, it starts very fast, and it "just works". What do you think about Rhythmbox or Banshee? Which one should be the default music player in Ubuntu? Please post comments below!


Ubuntu 12.04,Rhythmbox,Banshee,Precise Pangolin,Canonical