How to Install Windows 8 theme on Ubuntu 10.10/11.04/11.10

Download Free Windows 8 Transformation pack for Ubuntu 11.04/11.10/10.10

Windows 8 is not yet officially released,but it'd Developer version is released for testing.It is better than Ubuntu 11.04/11.10.Lot of good features are available.New Desktop ,New Mosaic theme....and more...

Here we discussing How to install Windows 8/Windows 7 theme on Ubuntu

1.First Download this File

2.Download it,make sure that it is in Downloads Folder


3.Open Terminal

cd Downloads/

Example:sibin@sibin-P4I45Gx-PE:~$ cd Downloads/



sibin@sibin-P4I45Gx-PE:~/Downloads$ ./

4."The Win theme installation will start now "

Click on OK

Click on "Yes/OK"....It automatically Download all files

After it

5.Check Downloads folder

Make sure that win7.tar.gz and win7-uninstall.tar.gz are exit

6.Open Terminal

cd Downloads/


tar -zxvf win7.tar.gz

7.Open Downloads folder

select win7.tar.gz file .Right click (Mouse). Extract it

8.Open Win7 Folder .Open Win7/Debs

install gnomenu_all.deb ,gtk2-engine-oria_i386.deb,talika_i386.deb (amd version also available ).You must install these file (You need Internet connection)

Then return to Win7 folder

Find file

9.Open Terminal

cd Downloads/win7



10.You will get error messages .

Extract win7-cursor.tar.gz ,win7-theme.tar.gz .....7 files are available.Extract all files .After extraction .copy these files and paste to

(Open My computer)Filesystem-->usr/local/etc

and Paste all files

Repeat step 9.

11.Goto Desktop -->Right click (Mouse)-->Theme

Install-->(Open Downloads Folder)-->win7-->Install all 7 files
(win7-cursor.tar.gz,win7-icons.tar.gz,win7-fonts.tar.gz,win7-gtk.tar,gz etc...all 7 files)

You will get lot off error messages...ignore it

12.Theme-->Get more theme online -->From theme page -->Windows Borders



and install it.(I think you know "How to install a theme")

Desktop-->Right click (Mouse)-->Theme-->Install-->Select files

13.Your Start menu replaced with Ubuntu icon/similar button.To get Windows 7 button-Select start menu (Gnomenu)-->Right click -->Properties->

Gno menu settings

Theme-->Button selection-->Install (Downloads/win7/gnomenu/button)

select win7.tar.gz and install it

Menu selection-->Select Vista (Nearer to uninstall )

14.Download Windows7 wallpaper and use it

After all this work you can restart your OS.If there is any problem ,please ask me...I will Help.Detailed Video available on Youtube.

Videos How to Install Windows 8 theme on Ubuntu 10.10/11.04/11.10


Windows 8 theme, Ubuntu 10.10/11.10/11.04,Windows 8 transformation for Ubuntu,windows ubuntu theme, download ubuntu theme, install ubuntu theme